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Todays, Pick a Pile..

Writer: elisiamoonelisiamoon

Messages from the Heart of the Divine Oracle Deck created by Ashley River Brart.

Today we are been asked to allow ourselves to be Guided by Love..

Your Spiritual Team are fully supporting you along your path and are awaiting you to let them guide you. They may be trying to communicate via signs, dreams, numbers, patterns and inspiration. They are wanting to give you comfort you, give you insight into your heart, sudden inner knowing's and directions.

Perhaps your not listening. Or perhaps magical manifestations and opportunity's are waiting to appear but can not flow because you are not open to receive them in your current awareness .

They want to say that it is safe to let spirit in to guide you on your journey. Open your heart to beings of pure love and light only and listen. Stay open in your heart and trust whatever unfolds..

Find peace in your heart, in yourself and trust your inner knowing.

and bring forth Awareness and Gratitude for your Spiritual team. they are ready for you now.

Pile 1: Authentically you.

You are been asked to stand tall in your individuality.

It takes so much energy and effort to be someone your not and this depletes your energy. The moment we step outside of ourselves we loose our composer, our sense of self, we loose balance and disconnect from our own inner wisdom and truths.

But the beautiful thing is that just been you, just a you are, is an act o service unto the word. We will attract every thing we need as we show up to embody our truths. We are all individual not like any other so be yourself, no matter where you are along your journey. This is your greatest honour and you will always be protected along your path. You truly are a beautiful and unique spirit. Hold your head high and own your authenticity.

Channelled: "This us what will set your heart, mind, body and soul free dear one I am always hear, allow me to guide you along this blessed path you have chosen, even if you can not see it straight away. this is your destiny. My beloved will honour you as you honour me".


I choose my own way forward.

I am my own Guiding light of unconditional love.

Thank You Pile 1

Take Care, Be Blessed.

Pile 2: Rest Your Mind.

Be at peace within your mind, our minds are powerful tools often misused by the conditions and belief systems we inherit as we grow up. We must not forget to use our mind for logic and understanding when we truly need it and move away from the friction and the disillusionments we create when we overanalyse, other wise we would become stuck and limited. you can master the realms of the mind to learn and grow not to control.

Be at ease and give your mind a rest, possibly you have been navigating to much with the mind of late, this card reminds you to allow your thoughts to settle and be at one with the inner wisdom and guidance coming from the power of your heart. Strengthen your meditation practice, or possible start a new routine to support the shift.

Channelled: "Visualise the world you desirer to manifest. Visualise your dream in to reality and allow this vision to be the divine spark that lights your way. Your soul tribe will take care of the rest, its time to awaken the dreamer within your heart space. Don't be afraid to ask your soul tribe for assistance and protection as you set the intention to be shown your greatest dreams and visions for your life, through dreamtime and meditation. this is where the deeper parts of your psyche hold the truth to your divine blueprint and divine purpose. trust that what you receive is meant for you and your path".


I create healthy boundaries,

supporting my personal growth and


Thank You Pile 2

Take Care, Be Blessed.

Pile 3: Returning to the Elements

The natural world all around you is calling you to, slow down take a deep breath and tune into nature. As you close your eyes and breath, take in the smells and sounds of the natural world around you. Feel free if you wish to connect with the elements, (earth fire air and water), ask the elements for a message. When you do this, notice what you feel and sense, you could always work with the elements. Possibly light a candle for fire, a feather for air, a crystal for earth and some water.

Gaia speaks of love and generosity, this is her seed of life. Allow nature shows you the simplest of ways.

If you have been feeling off balance, call upon Mother Earth to root you securely into her tender embrace.

The elements are calling you, offering you their healing love and wisdom. All you have to do is listen.

Channelled: As you connect with Gaia and allow her beautiful healing seeds of love and light to be implanted within your womb, these seeds will to come into manifestation and be birthed into your reality. hold the intent for Mother Gaia to root you into your bountiful new life and allow earth magic to be absorbed up your roots into your flesh vessel.


my mind is open to new

experiences that will transform

my life.

Thank You Pile 3

Take Care, Be Blessed.



“What would Life be if we had no Courage to Attempt Anything?”


Are you ready for something new? Welcome to Heavenly Earth Roots, Our goal is to give you the Skills, Wisdom and Confidence that you need in order to become successful on your New Earth Spiritual Journey, fully Grounded and Nurtured into 5D New Earth Embodiment, Hierarchy, and Union's.
I'm hear to fully serve my mission here on Earth as an Embodiment of the House of David, the Sisterhood of the Rose, Lion of Judah. 


Here, you can explore our Quantum Healings, Activations and Clearings. All our programs and Sessions. To Awaken our Souls Truths and Linage.. Regardless, if we’re starting out or a Master within our own field.  

Together here as family we rise into the Love and Light of Christ.

Contact us today with any questions. We can’t wait to see within our New Earth Community.


A Child of God and of Gaia. I serve as a Governing Embodiment throughout all Creation. 

Through the power of Christ. 


               I thank you and I love you.

As clearly stated I do use Tarot, Oracle cards as well as other Spiritual modems as tools within my Sessions.

If for any reason at all these tools make you feel uncomfortable, please let me know Pre Session, then they will not be used. For obvious reasons some sessions will not be available.  

For example if stated, Tarot card Reading..

But as and where we can and will hold any Spiritual Life Coaching session without the aid spiritual tools, as and when requested.  


Disclaimer:  Any and All Decisions and Actions taken by you, are that of your Solo Discretion Only.

All Tarot and Oracle readings, along with other content Via Channelling modems are delivered to you, with the intention that you use your Own Discernment and Discretion as and when needed. 

Elisia Moon is not a licensed Physician and the information contained is not to be used as Medical Advice, Treatment. Including Psychological, Financial or any other professional advice of any kind of nature and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately Qualified and licensed Physician, health care provider or other professional, at your own judgment. 

Any and all personal data is protected by the data protection regulations.

Some areas are Strictly Restricted to 18+ and are Clearly Stated so, by accessing this information and areas you are claiming to be a responsible adult and of age to do so. This is a Free service, by Act of Goodwill.. 


There is no obligation to pay or contribute in any way, shape or form.. On occasion I may offer payable extended and or personal sessions..

But only at the individuals free will  request, to receive directly from myself. Other then that, I am always in complete gratitude for all of you and any gifts or contributions you wish to make of your own free will, as an act of your own kindness in return. I always graciously receive with love and appreciation as we spread and share the energy of giving and receiving goodwill to all creation.

Love  to you all, Wishing you a Blessed Life.

Sometimes we move out of our comfort zone to realignment with our souls truth. But I do always want you to feel grounded and safe, so if there is ever anything you feel uncomfortable with please feel free to contact me.  I will always try to accommodate, as and where possible.

I choose to make the rest of my life, the very best of my life and live my life for me, not what others think and i invite you to do the same.

This Site is Protected, and Under  Full Jurisdiction of the Most High, Sealed and Cleansed with the Blood of Christ. 

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